Today I Rise - Event Recap
/today i rise
Event Recap
Photo by: @jodianne.beckford
Throughout my entire life, I know the feeling too well of being the "only one" in the room. From attending a predominantly Italian elementary school to attending auditions at the start of my dance career where castings alarmingly read “all ethnicities welcome too”. There was never anyone who looked like me in these spaces.
Eventually I said F*** it, let me create my own spaces… and have been doing so for almost a decade. The Carnival Spice community in particular has truly become a gift for many. It allows for beautiful humans of all shapes, sizes, and colors to come together and cultivate joy.
To be honest though creating these spaces, hosting events, sticking to your mission is A LOT of work chile… So you can only imagine how happy I was to be invited to "today i rise”.
today i rise - a Black History Month event that celebrates the resiliency and power of the Black Woman.
It truly was.
The event was hosted inside the 889 community. Upon arrival we were greeted at the door with smiles and guided us to the event space. I looked around and the first things I noticed were:
I didn’t see anyone familiar. I loved that!
everyone was smiling - good vibes already!
everyone in the room was melanated - yoooo!!! my peopleeeee!!! whats good?! This made me giddy… and PROUD.
There were four parts to the event (a) Fitting (b) Yoga & Meditation (3) A fire side chat. (4) Refreshments.
Nike gifted us with a head to toe look, purse, and yoga mat.
Photo by: @jodianne.beckford
…and catch this - my outfit was PINK!!! How did they know my colour?? The fit of the outfit was great too, especially for my body type. I literally was floating around the room on a cloud.
The day just flowed. There was so much attention to detail. I couldn’t stop smiling. We laughed, we cried, we laughed some more, we listened… we hyped each other up!! All the women in the room were doing some amazing things in the city. It was an honour to hear their stories. I learned that many of the women were also wellness leaders in different facets, from yoga, to fitness, to meditation and more.
One of my favourite things was the question jar - this tool is excellent for people like me who low key are terrified of small talk.
"We are seen. We are heard. We are celebrated"
- Rebeckah - Wellness Advocate, founder of @iriseyoga, & dope ass human! KNOW HER!
Photo by: @jodianne.beckford
During the yoga practice led by Rebeckah, there was such a sense of peace, strength, and vulnerability in the room.
This moment was was so impactful. It was like I could see my reflection everytime I opened my eyes through the beautiful people around me.
“Everyone has the right to be well”
-Nicole Cardova - Entrepreneur, Speaker, Wellness Advocate
Photos by: @jodianne.beckford #shotbybeckford
Once the yoga practice was complete, we exchanged some more! @nicoleacardova what a powerful human. She travelled all the way from states shared her story with us. We left feeling uplifted and empowered.
These spaces are so important to me. I salute all the leaders out there taking charging and ensuring these moments happen as much as possible. THEY ARE NECESSARY; not only for us but for the generations to come. I will remain hopeful and continue doing my part in ensuring that these “moments” last forever.
Thank you Rebecka, Nicole, the Nike team, literally everyone involved for pouring into us - I KNOW it took a village to put this event together. Congratulations.
Photo by: @jodianne.beckford