The #SSPinkParty
/The SSPinkParty
Let’s Dance, Paint, & Celebrate
Exactly one month ago I presented to you; my hand crafted online space made with love, light, and God’s grace. Beyond the pretty pictures, my hope is that it can be used as a resource for you, a source of inspiration, and a place where we can directly connect. The site has been years in the making - to be specific, I bought the domain back in 2012. Life is journey though and nothing happens before it’s time so I’m glad you are all able to share in this moment with me! February 3, 2019 is a day I will never forget.
For months I envisioned hosting a website launch event where I could celebrate with family while supporting another Caribbean business. For months I also wanted to attend a paint night but could never find the time. With the #SSPinkParty, I married the two ideas. The evening took place at the Tray Arts Studio (@trayarts); please follow this brother! His studio was clean, vibrant and he welcomed my guests with open arms. We all really enjoyed the experience. The art piece we painted was a female masquerader to page homage to Carnival Spice. I was blown away by the outcome every one interpreted the piece differently but still created beautiful works of art.
My Biggest Takeaways From The #SSPinkParty:
Support Local Businesses
We All Have An Inner Artist Inside Of Us
Trust The Process
Another highlight from the day was my speech! Thank heavens for video because the moment was a blur. I recalled standing up at the front of the room introducing myself and the site then instantly being flooded with emotions. I looked out in the room and the saw faces of many who have been there for me during many stages of my journey. I felt so much joy, relief, and gratitude. The road to entrepreneurship hasn’t been the easiest but I would do it all over again if given the chance. For me it’s less about setting my hours and answering to a “boss” but it’s really but creating a life a want to live brick by brick and most importantly, creating a life of purpose that can be of service to others.
Thank you for reading ya’ll - I added some clips to my IGTV as well. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful week and take this new month by storm!