Black Lives Matter
/Black Lives Matter
A Revolution Is Happening.
…and I am 100% in support of it.
If you aren’t prepared to educate yourself, rally or donate… then please move out the way!
Don’t ask your black friend how they are doing. It’s triggering.
I’ll answer on their behalf with this: We are not okay.
Many Traumatized. Many Angry.
On top of the affects of years of racism, we are also navigating through a worldwide pandemic that is disproportionately affecting the black community & health care workers.
Rest In Peace: Arlene Reid, Sharon Roberts, & Leonard Rodrigues
Christine Mandegarian I honour you too!
“Anti-Black racism only exists in the U.S.” - No I’m not going to break this down for you. This is EXTREMELY FALSE and you know it.
“All Lives Matter“ - of course! HOWEVER, if that’s your response to someone who’s saying BLACK LIVES MATTER then you are missing the point. What you should ask is with black bodies being killed in broad daylight AND on camera, why are their murderers not being brought to justice??
Rest In Peace: George Floyd.
Further, people of colour may experience racism but only black people experience anti-blackness; it is super important that we distinguish the two entities.
This was apparent to me just a few days ago… when I learned the editor in chief of the Toronto Sun, A WOMAN OF COLOUR, approved a front page headline that mocked the death of a young black man that was recently killed by gun violence.. DISGUSTING. Would she approve that story if he was her brother? I think not.
Enough is enough. We need new systems.
What exists isn’t designed for black people to live in peace, or see themselves as beautiful or have access to the same resources as their lighter counterparts.
I pray for my brothers, nephews, cousins… chile even my exes daily because even though we have the same skin color their daily experience is still 10x more challenging then mine! Plus, they aren’t allowed to ask for help, they can’t cry and god forbid they get angry!
Yes fitness is a great physical outlet, but what accessible and safe outlet do they have for their mind and hearts?
My heart breaks at the thought. I am hopeful for change though and I can feel the world shifting.
I also declare today that my future children will live in a world where they are seen as equal.
Till then, no more silence and only action that supports or uplifts my community.
Tyrone Edwards on The Social
Trevor Noah on The Daily Show
Celina CC on CBC News
Follow these accounts for information:
Kim Katrin
Rachel Cargle
Tamika D. Mallory
Rebeckah Price
Director X