Caribana Without The Parade
/Caribana Without The Parade
Toronto Carnival 2020 Recap
Happy Toronto Carnival Weekend Everyone!
Wow - for the first time in YEARS we had no parade because of lockdown restrictions due to COVID-19. When this decision was announced in March I did not know how to feel. Disbelief was the most prevalent emotion.
Here’s the thing, Caribana without the parade is my pretty much my life. The work I do with Carnival Spice calls for me to be immersed in Caribbean Carnival 365 days a year so I did not think the cancellation would effect me greatly as it did. Kudos to all the promoters who offered alternatives to fill the void… I saw a Zoombana, Quaranbana and festival organizers even hosted a Virtual Road. I know this sounds terrible, but I chose to take a nice long nap on August 1st. I was completely overwhelmed with emotions and could not bring myself to do anything else. I did have a glass of wine and played some Voice to sooth my soul (add the song ”By Any Means” to your playlist). Although logistically, the parade itself can use a LOT of work, those who self identify as Caribbean or those who annually play mas feel a massive sense of pride in anticipation of this weekend. From revelling in the streets... to getting your hair/nails/lashes done and seeing your completed look carnival morning... to running into celebrities/friends/coworkers/exes etc on the road… to hearing YOUR SONG for the first time behind a big truck and going OFF… my song would have been anything on the “Yuh Bad” or “Caution” Riddim! The level of excitement is unmatched; arguably comparable to your wedding day or christmas morning…sigh..
To be clear though, the anticipation for Caribana weekend goes far beyond the fetes, costume pick up and walmart selling Caribbean based products at the front of the store. IT’S A CELEBRATION OF CULTURE, FREEDOM, UNITY, BLACKNESS, TOGETHERNESS, SOCA, FAMILY, FRIENDS, BODY-POSITIVITY, DANCEHALL, MAS, CHUTNEY, WELLNESS, LOVE, THE CARIBBEAN.
We Can’t Get Enough.
Even if you don’t play mas, it’s a weekend to just be proud and cultivate joy. Most have celebrated this period from the were toddlers and hope to pass the traditions on to their children.
Caribbean heritage and history is also deeply connected to the participation in Caribana weekend. The parade was gifted to Canada from Trinidad in 1967 and has grown to be one of the largest festivals in North America. The date of the festival also coincides with the the emancipation of enslaved people from Africa.
Since I cannot share photos of myself taking a nap. Here are 5 Toronto Carnival Experiences I would like to highlight:
Little Miss Shakera, always dancing… even at this age. My mom’s workplace at the time was a sponsor for the “Kiddies Carnival” (now called Junior Carnival) that took place in Little Jamaica on Eglinton West. The good ole days!
We were offered costumes the morning of but my mom had already picked out my outfit that’s why it does not match the costume! LOLOL… I remember this day like it was yesterday. I danced my little heart out.
Watch the pose; you could tell I meant business… was even featured on CITY PULSE… go figure.
This was my first time playing mas as an adult. "Jamaicans don’t play mas” - or so I thought. During university, I met a trini dawlin, named Akeisha, who put me in a costume for the school’s talent show. I was SO shy that I wore the costume with black yoga pants. She then challenged me to play mas in Caribana that year- THE REST IS HISTORY.
I had no idea what I was doing but I still came hard. Matching shoes and bags; The shoes gave crazy blisters because the spray paint made them hard. The fabric on the bag was meant to be sprayed so the paint transferred on my skin! Lol. And are you seeing this eye make up? I believe this eye shadow that I had no idea how to apply cost about $40 and I used it once! The costume was made well though. I still have it and it is in perfect condition. The bra was 3x too big because I was scared of spillage. At the time I was a B cup, lol - the nerve!
Back in these days when you modelled for a Toronto mas band, you could select any costume from the presentation to wear on the road. However, the costume I picked was the one I modelled since I fell in love with it the moment I put it on. It literally set the tone for the rest of this carnival season. This was my favourite Caribana to date. For the road, I even remember the song my section crossed the stage too: “ADVANTAGE” by Machel Montano. The stage was EPIC! Lost my rag, an eyelash and broke my purse. So glad I dismantled my headpiece and transformed it into a backpack for parade day. Everything was perfect and we were on the road for hours. I loved theme of the band too - we were different sea creatures. My section were the mermaids.
What solidified this magical experience happened the following morning. I woke up to the news that my photo was on the cover of the Toronto Star newspaper… and not just any photo... The photographer captured the euphoria I felt - crossing the judging stage!
This pink costume was one of my faves to wear but I did not get many photos in it. I also paired it with nude fishnets before it was a trend in Toronto. Unfortunately this was not a good carnival year for me. I am sharing so you will take caution in the future. Scorching hot temperatures mixed with our band not having enough food and water led to me having extreme hit exhaustion. My symptoms were so bad that I had to leave the route early. Friends, although you have paid for food with your costume, do not rely on your band to feed you. Always have a hearty meal before you leave home. The day can be very unpredicatable and your safety is most important. Set yourself up for success. Ensure you are on top of hydration and vitamins leading up to the parade (and afterward of course.)
This year was super fun. I worked a lot of promo events for the costume and did a lot of press with Carnival Spice. Plus, I had about 30 people from the #SpiceFam playing mas with me. Most were playing for the first time (something I cherish greatly). We were in different sections but arranged for everyone to be in the same band. It was also a year that I wore a wire bra for the first time. The ultimate highlight was two fold - one was performing for Kes the band and two was thiefin’ a wine on Kees on the road (member that Michelle???? Woyyyyy)
Some 2020 Highlights:
As I was preparing to publish this blog I found out that Carnival Spice is trending #1 on TIK TOK via the #Caribana hashtag.
Pretty cool
You can also check out an interview I did with Kiss 92.5, Breakfast Television and the Toronto Festival Committee.
Breakfast Television: Moving in the Morning
Toronto Carnival Festival Committee
Kiss 925 Interview